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There are 2 best times to eat ‘bonito’ (=鰹);Spring and Fall seasons.

Spring season bonito is called ‘Hatsu-Gatsuo’ (=初鰹)
They move on with Kuroshio Currentto to the North of Pacific Ocean.
The taste is simple and plain, so I recommend to eat ‘Tataki‘, witch is kind of Sashimi; Grilled only surface, and next put into cold water with ice cubes, and then sliced. It’s inside is raw.

Fall season bonito is called ‘Modori-Gatuo’ (=戻り鰹)
They move to the South of Pacific Ocean, because water become cold.
The taste is rich and fatty, so I recommend to eat both ‘Sashimi’ and ‘Tataki

Bonito pronunciation in Japanese is ‘Katsuo’, but with Hatsu or Modori, it is pronunced ‘Gatsuo’.