There is a Vietnam Hanoi skewered chicken restaurant, Binh Minh Tokyo branch at Daiichi-ichiba, which is one of the landmarks in front of Koenji station.

Main restaurant is located at a back alley in Hanoi, Vietnam.

I often visit Binh Minh Tokyo branch. However after I went to the main restaurant in Vietnam, to where I was business trip, I have somehow felt different feeling since then.

Maybe I grew up one step forward, because I experienced the real one. lol

Even though I excited to see the menu of Tokyo brunch, which I get used to see, because I could find this dish is also in the main restaurant, or that dish is only in Tokyo branch, and so on.

Red wine made in Vietnum

Boiled cabbage with soft boiled egg with namplar

This was good for Otsumami, and was not in the main restaurant.

Vietnam Okonomi-yaki , Banh xeo included a lot of vegetables

Banh xeo was in every restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City, but looking back now I did not see Banh xeo in restaurants in Hanoi.

It may be because of Vietnam is long land from north to south, and there is a big difference in history, so that food culture is also different too.

Assorted Vietnam skewered chicken; young chicken, sausage, gizzard, and heart.

Their appearance was similar, but both taste and size are different compared with them in the main restaurant.

They are similar to
yakitori in the Tokyo branch, because of to fit Japanese preference.
The Vietnam skewered chicken in the main restaurant is not like yakitori, because there is no sauce.

I thought young chicken was bigger, juicier, and more delicious in the main restaurant than the one in Tokyo branch.

Skewered vegetables

There were not so many kinds of vegetables in the main restaurant in Hanoi, but potato was sweeter and more delicious than the one in Tokyo branch.

Skewered bread

The main restaurant’s one was so delicious, so I also ordered it in Tokyo branch.
Baguette was squashed, fried, and put honey and butter.
It was simple and tasty, but I had never ordered yet.

Thanks to go to the main restaurant in Hanoi, Vietnam, now I knew it is wonderful, so I did order it again in Tokyo branch.

There was a new discovery, so I am even more able to enjoy Binh Minh from now on.

◼︎Binh Minh

Address: Daiichi-Ichiba, 3-22-8 Kouenji-Kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo

Tel: 03-3330-3992
